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What is the priciple of the digital tube?

The digital tube is a semiconductor light emitting device whose basic unit is an LED (Light Emitting Diode). The digital tube is divided into seven segments of digital tubes and eight segments of digital tubes according to the number of segments. The eight-segment digital tube has one more LED unit than the seven-segment digital tube (more than one decimal point display); according to how many "8" can be displayed, it can be divided into 1 -digit,2 -digit, 3 -digit, 4 -digit, etc.

The shape of the 1 -digit digital tube is as shown.

Digital tube : LSHD-A101


The digital tube is divided into a common anode and a common cathode. A common anode digital tube refers to a digital tube that connects the anodes of all LEDs together to form a common anode (COM). The common anode digital tube should be connected to the common pole COM to +5V when applied, when the cathode of a segment of the LED is low. The corresponding field will light up. When the cathode of a field is high, the corresponding field is not lit.


A common cathode digital tube refers to a digital tube that connects the cathodes of all LEDs together to form a common cathode (COM). When the common cathode digital tube is applied, the common pole COM should be connected to the field line GND. When the anode of a certain field LED is high, the corresponding field is lit. When the anode of a certain field is low, the corresponding field is not bright.


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