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precipitation method

Preparation of phosphors by precipitation is a method of precipitating solutes from homogeneous solutions to synthesize phosphors. Coprecipitation is a method for preparing phosphor powder by precipitating a variety of precipitates at the same time. The basic theory of the precipitation method is the equilibrium between the multiphase ions of the insoluble electrolyte. The reaction process covers the generation, dissolution and transformation of the precipitate, which is related to the concentration of solute, the pH of the solution, the temperature of the solution, etc. By adjusting these factors, the precipitation state of the precipitate can be controlled, and the precursor of the phosphor can be obtained by heating the precipitate until decomposed. Finally, the precursor can be obtained by sintering the precursor. The advantages of preparing phosphors by precipitation method are: high purity, small particle size, good dispersion, uniform particle size, low synthesis temperature and simple operation. Its main shortcomings are: the sedimentation of glue is difficult to wash and filter; the precipitant impurities are easily introduced into the phosphor; if the quality control is not good in the process of precipitation, it is easy to produce component segregation.

power inductor

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