Allicdata Electronic

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Entries from 2019-01-10 to 1 day

How much is EP2S60F1020C4N?

Q1: How much is EP2S60F1020C4N ? A: ALLICDATA Electronics offers more than 1,000,000 items in stock with immediate shipment,which has a competitive price.EP2S60F1020C4N Real-time inventory quantity and price,please search online catalog on…


XC3S400-5TQ144C ALLICDATA ELECTRONICS LIMITED is an enterprise specialized in selling electronic components and components and has been adhering to the principle of perfect quality for many years. We have developed, innovated and successfu…

What are the main parameters of the transistor?

What are the main parameters of the transistor? ( 1 ) Collector's maximum dissipative power PeM transistor will bear a large reverse voltage and heat through a larger current due to power consumption . When the power consumed by the collec…

What is a transistor? What's the role?

1. What is a transistor? What's the role? Transistors are also called semiconductor diodes, which can be said to be the most important devices in electronic circuits. Its main function is the current amplification and switching, oscillatio…