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Where can I order 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera?

Q1: Where can I order 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera?

A: You can purchase orders directly online at our website:

Open our home page >Quick search   5M160ZT100I5N > click Buy on Produce page > Finish all the step shows

Or send your PO to our email

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The ordering steps are as follows:

Check price → purchase order → payment →shipment delivery out → receiving products

For a large number, you can get a better price.


Q2: How much of 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera?

A: ALLICDATA Electronics offers more than 1,000,000  items in stock with immediate shipment,which has a competitive price.5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera Real-time inventory quantity and price,please search online catalog on our website:Allicdata Electronics.


Q3: What's the Minimum Order Quantity of 5M160ZT100I5N?

A: ALLICDATA MOQ  order from 1 pcs unit.

Q4: How to guarantee the quality of 5M160ZT100I5N

A: A: All  products from ALLICDATA are licensed by the manufacturer and are 100% NEW & ORIGINAL. If there are any problems, we accept the return within 60 days.

Q5: Is there a picture of 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera?

A: We have showed original images of Stock Parts. You can search for photos on our website via the search box.

Q6: What is the payment method for buying 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera?

A: ALLICDATA accepts payment by bank wire transfer (bank TT), Paypal, credit card, Western Union, letter of credit, etc. You can choose whatever way you like. We make sure that these methods are safe.

Q7: How many ways can I receive the 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera?

A: ALLICDATA can offers Fedex, UPS, DHL and TNT,which can provide on-site service.For some samples,we can deliver via EMS.

Q8: What are the ways to get a better price of 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera?

A:For a large number, you can email us for a better price.

Q9: Where can I get the data sheet (PDF) of 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera?

A: We have huge datasheet base.All produce data sheet can be found quickly on our website. Or click this link :

If you need any help, please contact us.


Q10: How long of the delivery time of 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera?

A: ALLICDATA has more than 1M + stock, so that we can  delivere it worldwide by Fedex, DHL, UPS within 2-3 days.

Q11: How can I know the progress of 5M160ZT100I5N IC CPLD 128MC 7.5NS 100TQFP Intel FPGAs/Altera delivery?

A: You can track Fedex, DHL, UPS, TNT office websites in all our transportation. We will send you a tracking number after shipping.


If this model does not meet your requirements, you can go to our website Allicdata to search for products that you want. There are huge number of products that can be selected.



How much of M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice?

Q1: How much of M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice?

A: ALLICDATA Electronics offers more than 1,000,000  items in stock with immediate shipment,which has a competitive price.M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice Real-time inventory quantity and price,please search online catalog on our website:Allicdata Electronics.

Q2: How long of the delivery time of M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice?

A: ALLICDATA has more than 1M + stock, so that we can  delivere it worldwide by Fedex, DHL, UPS within 2-3 days.

Q3: What's the Minimum Order Quantity of M4A5-64/32-12VNI?

A: ALLICDATA MOQ  order from 1 pcs unit.

Q4: How to guarantee the quality of M4A5-64/32-12VNI

A: A: All  products from ALLICDATA are licensed by the manufacturer and are 100% NEW & ORIGINAL. If there are any problems, we accept the return within 60 days.

Q5: Where can I order M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice?

A: You can purchase orders directly online at our website:

Open our home page >Quick search   M4A5-64/32-12VNI > click Buy on Produce page > Finish all the step shows

Or send your PO to our email

Or chat with our online service.

The ordering steps are as follows:

Check price → purchase order → payment →shipment delivery out → receiving products

For a large number, you can get a better price.

Q6: What is the payment method for buying M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice?

A: ALLICDATA accepts payment by bank wire transfer (bank TT), Paypal, credit card, Western Union, letter of credit, etc. You can choose whatever way you like. We make sure that these methods are safe.

Q7: How many ways can I receive the M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice?

A: ALLICDATA can offers Fedex, UPS, DHL and TNT,which can provide on-site service.For some samples,we can deliver via EMS

Q8: How to get better price of M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice?

A:For a large number, you can email us for a better price.

Q9: How to find data sheet (PDF) of M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice?

A: We have huge datasheet base.Almost all produce data sheet can be found quickly on our website. Or click this link :

If you need any help, please contact us.

Q11: Where can I find the shipping of M4A5-64/32-12VNI IC CPLD 64MC 12NS 44TQFP Lattice?

A: You can track Fedex, DHL, UPS, TNT office websites in all our transportation. We will send a tracking link after shipping.

If this model does not meet your requirements, you can go to our website Allicdata to search for products that match. There are many kinds of products that can be selected.



What are the applications of regulator?

1. Voltage regulator is introduced.

The commonly used voltage stabilizers on the main board are 1117 1084U 1085U 1086N 1087U EH11A3804 L1284N RT9164 and so on. The 1117 regulator (see figure 1) is the Low DropOut regulator, LDO, on the motherboard that adjusts the input voltage to a stable voltage output. This adjustment is a step-down adjustment, and the input voltage must be higher than the output voltage.

The 1117 regulator has two types of fixed output and adjustable output. The surface of the voltage stabilizer is marked by fixed output (see Fig. 1) and the unmarked one by adjustable output. In the actual circuit, it is also possible to detect whether there is a positive signal in the first pin of the regulator, if the resistor is connected between the one pin and the second pin, the output is adjustable, and the direct grounding of the pin without resistance is a fixed output.


Fig.1 Voltage regulator 1117 physical drawing

2. Application of regulator.

Adjustable output voltage regulator 1117 as shown in figure 2, 3-pin input, 2-pin output, 1-pin grounding. IN is the input pin, OUT is the output pin, and ADJ is the voltage adjusting pin, which is grounded by resistance and connected with the output pin through a resistor. When used on the motherboard, the output voltage of the two pins is adjusted by the magnitude of the R1 and R2 resistances connected by the one pin. The output voltage of LM1117 is adjustable at 1.2V and the input voltage is up to 12V.


Fig.2 Working diagram of 1117 voltage regulator

3. Precision regulator 431, 432.

The 431 is an internal device with a 2.5V precision reference source, while the 432 is an internal integrated 1.24V precision voltage stabilizer. The common 431 has three pins: cathode, anode, and ref, as shown in figure 3.


Fig.3 Precision voltage regulator

Working buried: cathode and anode conduction when the reference pin voltage is higher than 2.5 V, and anode cutoff when the reference pin voltage is less than 2.5 V.

LM431 is used to generate 2.5V reference voltage on the motherboard. As shown in figure 4, VCC3 outputs a 2.5 V VREF25 reference voltage after passing through R166 current limitation through 431 stable output.


Fig.4 Working principle of Precision regulator 431

If you want to know more, our website has product specifications for the regulators, you can go to ALLICDATA ELECTRONICS LIMITED to get more information.

What is the application of crystal oscillator?

1. Introduction of crystal oscillator.

 The function of crystal oscillator is to produce the original clock frequency. The crystal oscillator frequency is doubled by the frequency generator and becomes a variety of clock frequencies in the computer. It is sent to each device on the main board to make the equipment work normally.

 2. Crystal oscillator code.

 The crystal oscillator is represented by the letter X or Y. For example, X 2 represents the second crystal oscillator on the motherboard.

3. Crystal oscillator circuit symbol.

 The symbols used in circuit diagrams are shown in figure 1.


Figure 1

4. Crystal oscillator common model.

 32.768kHz crystal oscillator is used to provide reference frequency for RTC (Real Time Clock) circuit in Nanqiao chip. If the 32.768kHz crystal vibration damage will result in no boot, no reset, no running code and so on, the failure will not be the same in different motherboards. The 14.318MHz crystal oscillator is used to generate the reference frequency of the clock chip, which causes the whole board to have no clock signal when damaged. The 25MHz crystal oscillator is used to provide the reference frequency for the network card and some South Bridge chips. The three common crystal oscillations on the motherboard are shown in figure 2.


Figure 2

 5. The quality of crystal oscillation is judged.

The results are as follows:


(1) using oscilloscope to measure the waveform and frequency of crystal oscillator, the frequency is the same and the difference is bad. (2) the method of substitution is used to judge the quality of crystal oscillator. 6. Crystal oscillator application circuit.


For example, the principle of crystal oscillator is shown in figure 3. Intel-NH82801GB Nanqiao chip is supplied with VCCRTC real time clock power supply and RTCRST# real time clock reset, and 32.768kHz crystal oscillator is supplied with 32.768kHz frequency from crystal oscillator to real time clock circuit of south bridge chip. Let the real-time clock circuit work to save CMOS settings (e.g. time, date, startup item, etc.).


Figure 3

If you want to know more, our website has product specifications for crystal oscillations, you can go to Allicdata Electronics Limited to get more information

What are the characteristics and shape and measuring range of digital multimeter?

1.Characteristics of panel shape, measuring range and polarity of watch pen.     

 Digital multimeter has the advantages of small volume, high precision, visual display, moderate price and so on. It has been widely used in electrical and electronic measurement.


2.Panel shape and measuring range.

At present, the digital multimeter is mostly used in DT-890. The DT-890 digital multimeter panel is shown in figure 1.It can automatically display the units and symbols of the measured values, such as Ω, kΩ, MΩ, mV, V, mA, A, μ F, etc. In addition to DC voltage (200mV~1000V), DC current (2mA~20A), AC voltage (2V ~ 700V) and HFE, additional test blocks such as AC current (200mA~20A) and capacitance (2000pF~20 μF) have been added.


Fig.1 Diagram of DT-890 digital multimeter panel

3.Characteristics of pen polarity.

The red meter pen of the digital multimeter is the positive pole of the power output, and the black meter pen is the negative polarity of the power supply, contrary to the polarity of the pointer multimeter, this must be fully noted.


This article is from Allicdata Electronics Limited which offers a varity of digital multimeter for selecting.

What are the processing methods of adverse contact phenomenon during using pointer multimeters?

This article briefly introduces the processing methods of adverse contact phenomenon during using pointer multimeters.


The typical feature of the malfunction between the plug and the socket of the test line is that the pointer of the multimeter will jump during the test, if it is a digital multimeter, Then when the measurement digital display will jump, can not get stable data).


First, the cause of contact malfunction and the treatment method.

The main causes of contact malfunction are loosening, contamination, corrosion or elastic fatigue of materials. The loosening of the connector should be fastened, the pollution fault should be cleaned, the corrosion phenomenon should be polished, and the new partsshould be replaced for the elastic fatigue failure of the material.


Second, the treatment method of loosening the plug of the watch pen. The structure of the multimeter is different from that of the plug connected to the socket of the multimeter. The specific processing methods are as follows.

1. Open type two-valve plug.

For a multimeter with an open two-valve plug, a suitable flat screwdriver can be inserted into the Reed of the plug, and then slightly pry the Reed out of the drum, so that the plug is firmly inserted into the socket of the multimeter.


2. Banana plug.

For a multimeter with a "banana" plug, a suitable flat screwdriver can be inserted into the plug, and then the plug is slightly larger, so that the plug is firmly inserted into the socket of the multimeter.

In the above operation, it is appropriate to restore the "banana" plug as it is, and the range of writhing should not be too large to prevent the Reed root from being broken or damaged.


Treatment of loose socket.

The multimeter is used for loosening the socket of the pen plug. For a four-valve socket (for example, the MF-30 type multimeter), the socket can be removed, and then the four valves are clamped to the center by using the tip pliers. The problem can be solved.

The method to deal with the error in each position.

This article is from Allicdata Electronics.


Since the current range of the pointer multimeter is the basis of other measuring ranges, it is necessary to check whether there is any problem with the DC range when there is an error fault in each position.

How to detect a diode with using a digital multimeter?

1. A method for detecting diodes.

The range switch of the digital multimeter is set to the position marked with the diode symbol, and the red meter pen is changed to insert "V.Ω "socket is then connected to both ends of the diode using two meter pens.


First, positive detection.

When two meter pens forward detection diode is used, if the detected diode is ultraviolet diode and silicon diode, the digital multimeter display has 0. 5~0.8V. Digital display between 8V and 0.25V~0.3V on the display screen of the digital multimeter if the diode being detected is normal diode and germanium tube.


Second, reverse detection.

When a two meter pens is used to reverse detect the diode, if the detected diode is normal, the digital display of "1" on the display screen of the digital multimeter is displayed. If the detected diode is damaged, the display of the digital multimeter has a display of "0000" or other values.


Third, the judgment of polarity.

In the above detection, when there is a connection state of the watch pen showing the value, one end of the red meter pen is the positive pole of the diode and the other end is the negative pole.


Fourth, Good or bad judgment.

At the time of the above tests, if the readings shown in the two tests are large or equally small, both indicate that the diode being detected is bad or damaged.


This article is from Allicdata Electronics Limited.